San Benito, CA Fire Protection Tanks

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Fire Tanks For Sale in San Benito

Corrugated bolted steel tanks

Corrugated Bolted Steel

Water Storage Tank

Bolted Steel

Welded Steel Tanks

Welded Steel Tanks

Water Storage Tanks

Plastic Water Tanks

The importance of fire tanks in San Benito County is even higher than two years ago. Firefighters are stretched thin with many firefighters not willing to take the Covid-19 vaccine. The firefighters are being suspended without pay or even fired if they will not take a Covid-19 vaccine.

In 2020 San Benito was surrounded by several fires when there were 23 burning throughout the state. Those surround San Benito County included:

The air quality in the region was so affected that the county ordered a health advisory. The health effects included:
Fire Protection Tank
Water storage tanks

While not on the list people with COPD probably experienced effects of the air quality as bad as or worse than those with asthma.

As of the 2020 census the population of San Benito County was 64,209.

The first mission was founded in 1797 as Mission San Juan Bautista by Spanish missionaries. In 1874 San Benito County was formed and Hollister was named the county seat. Hollister is still the county seat today.

San Benito’s economy is agriculture and just recently a niche of that is agrotourism. Agrotourism is wineries, organic farms, and even charming BnBs that offer views of cows or cattle feeding on grass. According to the counties Chamber of Commerce the top five employers are:

Other communities besides Hollister in San Benito County include:

What Is A Fire Protection Tank?

A fire protection tank is a water storage tank that is dedicated solely to fire protection and prevention. Fire tanks must comply with codes from local, state, and national regulations.

A fire tank should be one part of a fire readiness or fire prevention protection plan. With the inflation we are currently seeing the worst since the late 70s and more wildfires in the area everyone should have a fire protection plan and fire tank. Having a fire protection plan that incorporates a fire tank may save your insurance from being cancelled or the premiums becoming so high you can’t afford it.

A fire protection plan should include:
Fire protection tanks can have connections and valves installed during manufacturing for hose connections for fire department hoses and garden hoses as well as sprinkler systems. You just have to order your tank with the connections you want. If you want your local fire department to be able to connect you will need to know the size for the connection.
Water storage tank
Fire Protection Tanks

Fire Tanks for both Commercial and Residential

Fire tanks are for both commercial and residential properties. A fire tank will reduce the risk of a total loss of structures and personal property. The main difference between commercial and residential is that commercial businesses have more structures and equipment for processes to protect than residential. Therefore, the business will need a much larger capacity water tank for fire protection than a residential property.

Both commercial and residential must comply with all local, state, and federal codes regarding fire protection plans and water flow for their particular situation.

Water Storage Tanks in San Benito County

Water storage tanks are available in San Benito County. Tanks can be used for several things that include:

City, County and State of California Fire Code Requirements for Water Tanks

One standard fire tanks must meet is NFPA-22.

The county can provide the regulations for the county, state, and federal codes that must be met.

Building codes for new building and remodeling of buildings must be followed regarding fire prevention. Including using materials like fire retardant drywall.

Water Storage Tank

NFPA-22 Compliant Water Tanks

The NFPA-22 is a national standard for all private fire protection tanks. It covers tanks from design, manufacturing, installation, accessories, and upkeep.

Water storage tank

Steel Bolted or Poly Tanks Available for Fire protection in San Benito County

Steel bolted and poly tanks are available in San Benito County for fire protection tanks. These tanks meet the NFPA-22 standard for fire tanks. They also can be set up during manufacturing for the proper valves and connections for fire protection.

Commercial businesses will generally use the steel bolted tanks because they have a larger water capacity. Businesses have more structures, equipment, supplies, and other property that needs protection. With the larger capacity they can feed their sprinkler systems both interior and exterior. When combined with a complete fire protection plan it provides a reduced risk of a total loss when a fire happens.

Steel bolted tanks hold from 4,000 gallons to over two million gallons.

Residential tanks normally will be the poly tanks unless the building is a large apartment building. Poly tanks have a smaller capacity. These tanks meet the needs of residential properties. These properties have few structures, less equipment, and other property to protect.

Poly tanks will hold between 400 gallons and 15,500 gallons. Residential tanks allow for reduced risk of a total loss. Especially when combined with other parts of a fire protection plan.

Remember your best chances to reduce your risk of loss is to use a fire protection tank as part of a total fire protection plan.