Eugene, Oregon Fire Protection Tanks
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Fire Tanks For Sale in Eugene OR County

Corrugated Bolted Steel

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Welded Steel Tanks

Plastic Water Tanks
Eugene OR Fire Protection Tanks
With the increase in wildfires the past decade fire protection tanks have become vital in Eugen Oregon.
Eugene is the county seat of Lane County. In 2010 the census had the population as 156,185.
Eugene has seen fires very close in recent years. The Holiday Farm fire in 2020 destroyed over 500 structures. It burned over 170,000 acres. That fire killed one.
In 2021 a lawsuit was filed in the interest of 70 landowners citing Lane Electric Cooperative and Eugene Water and Electric Board were responsible for damages from that fire.

What Is a Fire Protection Tank
A fire protection tank will help protect your property and structures from fire. It is a water storage tank that is dedicated strictly for fire protection. It must be clearly marked as fire protection. The tank must meet all local, county, and state regulations and be NFPA-22 compliant.
A fire protection tank should be one part of your fire preparedness plan. The other parts include:
- Sprinkler systems exterior and interior
- Using fire retardant materials when building or remodeling
- Keeping landscaping clean of dried shrubs and grass
- Making a fire break at the edge of your property
- Doing controlled burns to keep dry brush and grasses under control
- Store flammables and combustibles away from structures
- Have an evacuation plan and run drills on it
If each resident joins the local, county, and state in preparing their private property for protection against wildfires it would greatly reduce the number of acres that burn each year.
Fire Tanks for both Commercial and Residential
Fire tanks can be utilized by both commercial and residential properties. The tank can provide water for sprinkler systems to keep the exterior wet and to slow the interior burning.
Hoses can be attached to the fire tank to reach outbuildings or wet down shrubs, trees, and grass. This will keep hot embers from igniting them near your structures.
Fire tanks can be either steel bolted or poly tanks.
The benefits of a fire protection tank are:
- Reduces the risk of a total loss
- May reduce the insurance premium or keep the policy from being cancelled

Water Storage Tanks in Eugene Oregon
Water storage tanks are available in Eugene Oregon. They can be used for several uses. Those uses include:
- Fire protection tanks
- Drinking water
- Wastewater treatment
- Storm water collection to help protect again erosion and contamination
- Rainwater harvesting
- Irrigation for gardens and public spaces
- Various processes in manufacturing and food processing
Each use will require a different liner. For example drinking water will have a different liner than irrigation or wastewater.
City, County and State of Oregon Fire Code Requirements for Water Tanks
Oregon requires that fire tanks be NFPA-22 standard compliant.
Eugene uses the Lane County building codes regarding building homes and other structures.
Oregon has a state wide fire safety and building code that must be followed.
The Eugene Springfield Fire Protection District offers fire prevention education.

NFPA-22 Compliant Water Tanks
What is NFPA-22? NFPA-22 is a standard set for water tanks that covers design, manufacturing, installation, upkeep, and accessories of water tanks that are to be used for fire protection tanks and all other uses.

Steel Bolted or Poly Tanks Available for Fire protection in Eugene Oregon
Both steel bolted or poly tanks are available for fire protection in Eugen Oregon. Besides the material they are made from the only other difference is the capacity.
Steel bolted tanks hold from 4,000 gallons to two million gallons of water. These tanks are generally used by commercial properties that have more or larger structures, equipment, and supplies that need to be protected. The larger capacity makes sure there is enough water flow for sprinkler systems.
Poly tanks are smaller and hold from 400 gallons to around 15,000 gallons. Generally used by residential properties with smaller structures and less property to protect. These can be made with connections for hoses. You can also have it made to attach your sprinkler system too.
If you have a large commercial or agricultural property it is sometimes best to use a combination of the two. The larger tank for your main structures and a poly tank for outbuildings or areas that are farther away from the main tank.
If each resident and commercial property help with their own fire preparedness plan and private fire protection tank it would greatly reduce the spread of wildfires. Reducing the spread of wildfires will save lives, land, and money.
Make your fire preparedness plan today and do drills with it. Keep your property safe by keeping dry brush and grasses under control.