Humboldt California Fire Protection Tanks

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Fire Tanks For Sale in Humboldt California

Corrugated bolted steel tanks

Corrugated Bolted Steel

Water Storage Tank

Bolted Steel

Welded Steel Tanks

Welded Steel Tanks

Water Storage Tanks

Plastic Water Tanks

Humboldt County, California has a lot to offer. It was established in 1853. If you have a business or do agriculture in Humboldt County you will require fire protection tanks.

As of the 2020 census the population of Humboldt County was 136,463. It is home to over 40% of old-growth redwoods. These redwoods are in national, state, and local forests and parks, totaling approximately 680,000 acres. They are protected or strictly monitored to preserve the redwoods.

Humboldt County covers 4,052 square miles of land and 484 square miles of water. Humboldt Bay is the only deep water port between San Francisco and Coos Bay in Oregon. A large amount of land and water allows for various outdoor recreational activities.

It also provides for dairy and cannabis farms.  These agricultural businesses will need water storage tanks for fire prevention. But, will also need them for irrigation and storage of fertilizers, feeds, etc.

Wildfires have created mass destruction to many areas of California in recent years including thousands and thousands of acres burned. Homes and businesses in some areas were a total loss. It all adds up to billions of dollars to repair and rebuild.

Water storage tank

While Humboldt County has been lucky so far when it comes to wildfires, that luck may not hold out forever. Many cities in Humboldt County during the 2020 fire season were having wildfires come close. One city in Butte County, Paradise, which borders Humboldt County, found its luck ran out in 2020 when it was devastated by a campfire. That fire was close enough to Humboldt County that residents were asking how they could stop that kind of destruction to their cities and towns. What they came up with and are using besides wildfire water tanks should help.  They are employing what is known as a prescribed burning method. It is a form of forest management in which overgrown brush and grasses that burn quickly are removed in a controlled burn. That cuts down on the number of fires ignited from lightning strikes, cigarette butts, or campfires that are not extinguished properly.

One more note of interest concerning Humboldt County is earthquakes. Seismic activity in Humboldt County is frequent. Many quakes in the 6.0 magnitude range. April 26, 1992, was the largest quake at 7.2 magnitudes. There were 95 people injured and much damage to the property in the county.

Water Storage Tank

Humboldt Fire Protection

By California law, Humboldt County commercial and residential businesses including agricultural businesses are required to have fire protection tanks.

During Humboldt’s fire season it is vital that the fire tanks are full of water and able to assist fire departments in battling wildfires. This includes towns like Arcata, Blue Lake, Eureka, Redway, Hydesville, Ferndale, Fortuna, Rio Dell, and Trinidad. Strong winds can have wildfires out of control and raging right toward these cities. If they do not have wildfire water tanks they could be devastated by the fires.

When installing fire tanks in Humboldt County you should always call your local fire departments to find out what size valves and connections should be installed on your fire protection tank. Then, if you are called to evacuate the fire department can connect to your fire protection tank to fight the fire on your and neighboring properties.

If you wish to check the latest updates on wildfires, fire evacuations, and more you can check Humboldt’s Government page. It will provide you with all the latest news and resources for wildfire season.

What Is a Fire Protection Tank?

Fire protection is having several hundred or thousands of gallons of water stored in a tank to fight a fire. This fire protection tank should have connections and valves on it that can allow hose connection to spray water on the fire and nearby buildings.

Water storage for fire protection has proven to save businesses from total loss. They can keep the fire from your structures and equipment until the firefighters get it moved away from your business.

Water storage tanks for fire in Humboldt County come in various capacities and shapes. They can be installed above or below ground. The majority are installed above ground.

Additional methods of fire protection are doing what Humboldt County is doing with prescribed burns. Keeping garbage and debris from piling up as well also helps reduce the ability of fire to start or spread to your property.

Water Storage Tank
Water Storage Tank

Fire Tanks for both Commercial and Residential

Fire tanks for both commercial and residential areas have strict guidelines and rules from the State of California concerning construction and fabrication.

In order to make sure your fire tanks meet the standards set by the state you will need to do some research and find the right company to make your fire tanks.

Water Storage Tanks in Humboldt

Water storage tanks in Humboldt must meet specified requirements for storing water. The code may differ slightly depending on the use of the stored water. If it is for irrigation, human consumption, or fire prevention, each use must meet the standards.

City, County and State of California Fire Code Requirements for Water Tanks

Besides the NFPA-22 standards Humboldt has building codes concerning fire protection and safety. 


NFPA-22 Compliant Water Tanks

California including Humboldt County follows strict NFPA-22 guidelines concerning water tanks.

NFPA 22 - Standard for Water Tanks for Private Fire Protection Scope
1.1 Scope. This standard provides the minimum requirements for the design, construction, installation, and maintenance of tank and accessory equipment that supply water for private fire protection, including the following:
  1. Gravity tanks, suction tanks, pressure tanks, and embankment-supported coated fabric suction tanks
  2. Towers
  3. Foundations
  4. Pipe connections and fittings
  5. Valve enclosures
  6. Tank filling
  7. Protection against freezing

These guidelines help ensure that fire water tanks meet standards concerning foundations, valves, and more. It is important that if you have a fire water tank it is clearly marked as fire water.

Steel Bolted or Poly Tanks Available for Fire protection in Humboldt County

There are several tanks available in Humboldt County for fire protection. Steel bolted or poly tanks are the best for fire water storage.

They come in a range of capacities. Each is built to specific NFPA-22 and California guidelines concerning wildfire water tanks. Be sure to contact your local firefighting department to check on the size of valves and connectors they use. That way you can ask that the tank fittings be made for those sizes.

Remember when setting up the tank it needs to be in a specific range of the building or area you want to prevent fire from spreading to.

Water storage tank