Portland , OR Fire Protection Tanks
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Fire Tanks For Sale in Portland OR County

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Plastic Water Tanks
Portland OR Fire Protection Tanks
Fire protection tanks are important for Portland, OR. Portland’s wildfire season is normally begins in May and runs through the late summer months.
In 2020 over 1,000,000 acres burned from wildfires across Oregon. The Portland area was covered by a haze of smoke when two fires merged. The Eagle Creek and Indian Creek fires merged to form one large wildfire.
2017 saw the worst wildfire season in Oregon. There were 1,069 reported wildfires that burned 451,863 acres.
Private fire protection tanks can help reduce the number of acres burned and structures lost. Each resident must do their part in fire preparedness planning along with the city, county, and state in order to cut down the number of wildfires each year.

What Is a Fire Protection Tank
A fire protection tank is used specifically for reducing the spread of wildfire to your land. It can reduce the risk of total loss to property and structures. It must follow all local, county, and state regulations.
Fire Tanks for both Commercial and Residential
Private fire tanks for both commercial and residential properties are beneficial. The benefits are:
- Reduced risk of loss of structure and acres burned
- Water for hoses
- Water flow for sprinkler systems to stop hot embers ignite roofs
Fire protection tank should be one part of your wildfire preparedness plan. A plan you will need to write out and present if you want to start a business.
The other parts of that plan should include:
- Sprinkler systems exterior and interior
- Evacuation plan with practice drills
- Keep combustibles and flammables stored away from structures
- Landscaping should be kept clean from dry grasses and brush that could ignite
The main difference between commercial and residential tanks is the size. Commercial properties require larger capacity tanks than residential properties.
All citizens must help the local, county, and state reduce the risk of fires by practicing wildfire prevention.

Water Storage Tanks in Portland OR
Water storage tanks in Portland have several uses which include:
- Drinking water
- Wastewater treatment
- Storm drain collection
- Irrigation of parks and public spaces
- Fire protection
- Rainwater harvesting for irrigation of said public spaces and parks
- Holding tanks for ingredients for manufacturing
- Processes for food processing and other uses
Private water storage tanks can prepare you for any natural disaster for drinking water. Fire protection tanks used with natural fire breaks along the property line can give you a little peace of mind concerning fires and loss of property.
City, County and State of Oregon Fire Code Requirements for Water Tanks
The first step to fire preparedness is to know your local, county, and state regulations.
If there are no local regulations then follow the county and state regulations
The Oregon state regulations may be slightly different from county or local regulations. You need to meet all the regulations.
The Portland Fire Marshal can provide you with information on wildfires, regulations, inspections and more.
All fire protection tanks must also be NFPA-22 compliant.
The next step is to get education on fire preparedness and how you can help protect your own property.

NFPA-22 Compliant Water Tanks
NFPA-22 is a standard set by the National Fire Protection Agency that require certain standards be met during the planning, manufacturing, installation, upkeep, and accessories of the tank.

Steel Bolted or Poly Tanks Available for Fire protection in Portland OR
Steel bolted and poly tanks are both available for fire protection tanks in Portland OR. These tanks are different in the material they are made from and capacity size. But, that is the only difference.
Both can have valves and connections put on during manufacturing. These connectors and valves allow for hoses to be attached allowing the stop of fire from spreading. It also allows sprinkler system to be attached so that you can have water for your exterior and interior sprinkler systems.
Exterior sprinkler systems keep roofs and areas around structures wet during fire so that hot embers won’t ignite them. Interior sprinklers keep the fire from spreading so quickly allowing people to get out.
Commercial properties generally use steel bolted tanks because they have more structures, equipment, and supplies to protect. Steel bolted tanks carry between 4,000 gallons and two million gallons of water for fire protection.
Poly or plastic tanks are used for residential properties because there are fewer structures, equipment, or supplies to protect. These tanks carry between 400 gallons and 15,000 gallons.
In some cases, depending on the size of the property a combination of both may be the best choice. The combination will allow you to protect structures, equipment, and supplies as well as acres depending on how far apart it is spread.
Both the steel bolted and poly tanks meet all local, county, and state regulations as well as the NFPA-22 standard.
If every resident takes the steps to have fire preparedness education, employ a fire protection tank, with natural fire breaks along their property line the number of fires spread can be greatly reduced. It can save thousands of acres, many structures, and lives.