Underground Fiberglass Tanks

Solving space issues for unsightly storage tanks through underground tank installation.

Underground fiberglass tanks are essentially what they sound like: fiberglass storage tanks meant to be put underground rather than above ground. While the aesthetics of a storage tank are not necessarily at the forefront of the minds of manufacturers, in the event that there is not enough space to construct and install an above ground fiberglass tank, an alternative route may be taken. Installing a fiberglass tank underground has the same benefits as installing a fiberglass storage tank above ground and then some. For applications specific to water storage and wastewater treatment and processing, underground tank installation is most effective with storage tanks that have a capacity of 600 gallons and higher.

With fiberglass being extremely durable, resistant to corrosion, and using AWWA-approved resins on the inside of the tank, this material is ideal for storing water underground or processing and treating bacteria in wastewater. Just as flexible as their above ground counterparts, underground fiberglass storage tanks are ideal for storing water for consumption purposes during droughts, fighting against fires, treating wastewater at plants, and more. In addition to the excellent external design, the internals of these underground tanks are smooth, which prevents the growth of bacteria in water, ensuring that you will have access to clean water even with just minimal tank maintenance carried out each year.

Santa Barbara Water Tanks understands the need for water storage tanks that hide unsightly tanks but also prevent water from freezing underground. This is made possible with fiberglass water storage tanks as they have been proven to be a solid investment for residential, commercial, and industrial entities as far as the water storage industry goes.

Containment Solutions Underground Tanks

At Santa Barbara Water Tanks, we provide underground fiberglass tanks from Containment Solutions to best suit the needs of those who desire to reap the benefits of hidden water storage tanks. A well-known name in the storage tank industry, Containment Solutions is a top provider of underground fiberglass tanks ranging in a variety of specifications. When installing a tank above ground would decrease the value of a piece of real estate or land, installing a water storage tank underground is the next best option.

The tanks we offer from Containment Solutions are fabricated from non-corrosive fiberglass, which has been rated as one of the most environmentally friendly materials according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Because fiberglass is not affected by external temperature or moisture, it is the ideal type of material for a tank that is to be put in the ground. By the same token, the minimal environmental footprint left by fiberglass material combined with approved resins is especially helpful for building credits in Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design categories. Aside from water storage, underground fiberglass tanks are also suitable for storing petroleum products, fuel, and grease, as well as dealing with wet wells and manholes.

Request a quote on our underground storage tanks and installations today.

Underground Fiberglass Tanks

Underground Fiberglass Tanks
Underground Fiberglass Tanks
Underground Fiberglass Tank